Apollo is a free website resource for specialist nurses. Apollo was developed by Ulster University and Coloplast Ltd to support specialist nurses demonstrate their value as a direct response to requests for help from specialist nurses.
Specialist nurses tend to have lop-sided skill sets, they are clinical experts providing high quality and life-enhancing interventions for patients and their families. But on the other hand, whilst they have developed clinically, a different reality is now an integral component of the role - the need to demonstrate the value they bring to people and services in a way that managers and commissioners understand and value.
Many specialist nurses don’t speak up about the great things they do, about the compassion and care they provide to their patients or the innovative ways in which they deliver cost effective and cost efficient care to patients within their specialist service. The resources on Apollo are there to help nurses do just that: demonstrate their value.
Revalidation - what were the concerns?
Specialist Nurses told us that they felt they didn't have enough guidance or examples specifically for specialist nurses to enable them to feel confident in completing the new revalidation process. They told us they felt stressed and worried about what revalidation meant for them.
So what did we do?
We collaborated with RCNi (http://rcni.com/) and a group of colorectal and stoma care nurse specialists to develop a step by step signposted revalidation guide for specialist nurses.
How can I find find the resources ?

You can read the reflections from the specialist nurses who piloted the process and tools and work through the step by step guide.

To contact Apollo if you have any comments you can use this link.