Renal education with an international reach from Lancashire

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has held two international courses to improve education and awareness of kidney conditions and procedures.

Dr Aimun Ahmed and the renal team at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals have led two important and prestigious international courses; the first Preston Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Interstation Course and the seventh Preston Renal Biopsy Course.

The first Preston Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Interstation Course aimed to provide hands on training on how to insert a peritoneal dialysis catheter. A peritoneal dialysis catheter is a tube inserted into an abnormal cavity to enable peritoneal dialysis to take place. Peritoneal dialysis involves pumping dialysis fluid into the space inside your abdomen to draw out waste products from the blood passing through vessels lining the inside of the abdomen. The course was the first of its kind and covered teaching on the indications, contraindications and complications of peritoneal dialysis from a practical point of view. The practical course took place over one day with 20 delegates from the UK and across five countries.

The seventh Preston Renal Biopsy Course invited 28 delegates from the UK and from 15 countries worldwide to Preston for a two day course on how to perform a kidney biopsy. Attendees practiced the use of ultrasound to identify and localise native kidneys of healthy volunteers and transplant patients. They gained hands-on experience with our purpose-built renal biopsy simulator and also with a renal biopsy training model using different techniques and instruments. This is the first course of its kind worldwide to train on how to conduct renal biopsies using two different renal biopsy models.

Dr Aimun Ahmed said: “Lancashire Teaching Hospitals is the International Centre for Training, as recognised by the International Society of Nephrology. Holding and organising such courses means that doctors from all over the world are able to visit Preston to gain practical training. These courses are the bases of the educational portfolio of the renal department. We are very pleased with how the courses went and look forward to welcoming attendees back to continue training. It is fantastic for us to be able to hold these events and lead the way with education and training.”
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