The initial roll out of Red2Green within South Warwickshire Foundation Trust took place in November 2016, with enthusiastic buy in from the wards in the Emergency Division. Focus was given to wards with the greatest Length of Stay, where it was anticipated there would be the greater benefit from reducing delays to patients.
Exploring options to reach maximum staff with minimal cost to the organisation, without taking clinical staff away from theclinical areas, the concept of utilising the Trust eLearning platform came to fruition. We utilised resources from NHSI to support this as well as our own organisations posters.
In the first 2 months 132 staff members have accessed the eLearning tool. 89 staff members completed it with 87 of those passing the quiz at the end (98% pass rate). Further evaluation of any operational benefits to raising the Red2Green profile will be monitored over the coming 6 months.