Raising awareness of prostate cancer

The Macmillan “Living With and Beyond Cancer” project at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has held a photography exhibition to raise awareness of prostate cancer.

The exhibition, entitled “Prostate Cancer – Every Picture Tells a Story” is the work of Ian Smith, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2010.

This diagnosis encouraged Ian to take up new opportunities; and a new life in photography.

So, in 2015 he decided to enrol on a BA Photography degree at the University of Bolton.

For the past two and a half years, Ian has been working on this project as part of his course; using his experience of being diagnosed with prostate cancer to create a highly personal and moving exhibition.

Ian’s exhibition focuses on five men who have each been diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer.

The aim of the exhibition is to urge men to get regular health checks and to not put it off, be embarrassed, ashamed or scared.

Ian said: “The project celebrates guys, who have been treated, but also the inclusiveness and support of their wives. Just as my wife has also been amazing throughout it all. The aim is to ensure that men start to take their health seriously and check-ups become part of their routine. There isn’t screening for prostate cancer. The key is to present early and to get diagnosed early. Early diagnosis saves loads of lives. I also hope that the exhibition shows men who have been diagnosed that they can be reassured, that it doesn’t mean the end of everything, that you can live well and enjoy life.”

Liz Jennings, Macmillan Service User Involvement & Insight Coordinator at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals said: “We are delighted to support this prostate cancer photo exhibition. It’s so important to raise awareness of prostate cancer. Equally important is the message that early intervention leads to better outcomes. Working collaboratively with Ian to bring his exhibition to the hospital fits perfectly with the service user involvement aims of the “Living With and Beyond Cancer” project and to service improvement.”

The exhibition launched at an event on Tuesday 10th July, and has continued to be shown at the main entrance of Royal Preston Hospital after this date. The exhibition will move on the 31st August to be showcased at Chorley and District Hospital until 31st October 2018. Thanks to the Rosemere Cancer Foundation for their contribution to the costs of mounting the exhibition.
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