Quality Improvement Academy launched for primary care staff in Newham

Quality Improvement Academy launched for primary care staff in Newham featured image
UCLPartners and Newham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have announced the launch of a Quality Improvement Academy, offering a range of development opportunities for primary care staff working in Newham.

Quality improvement in healthcare is key to improving health outcomes for the population. Quality improvement can secure these improvements by ensuring that staff are able to work in an efficient and effective way, making the most of available resources, freeing up time to focus on patient care.

Quality improvement science is all about using systematic approaches and specific techniques to improve quality. Since 2013 UCLPartners and Newham CCG have been working in partnership to accelerate understanding of how to improve the health of people in Newham, putting ideas into practice to make a real, long-term difference.

As part of this important work, the two organisations have supported the design and piloting of a range of quality improvement projects within general practices in the borough. Following a string of successful projects, and in response to the growing appetite for quality improvement training amongst the primary care workforce, Newham CCG and UCLPartners are now launching a Quality Improvement Academy.

The aim of the academy is to build a culture of continuous quality improvement in Newham, equipping those working in primary care with the knowledge and skills to identify areas for improvement in practice and successfully implement changes in a carefully planned and consistent way.

The academy consists of a range of quality improvement development opportunities including face to face training, local support and facilitation, networking events and a central resource portal providing access to evidence based best practice examples.

Professor Martin Marshall, UCLPartners Primary Care Development Programme Director, said: “We’re thrilled to be launching this excellent range of development opportunities for primary care staff in Newham. Over the last two years I’ve had the privilege of working with a number of general practice staff in the borough and have seen first-hand what a huge difference embracing improvement science can make to both patient care and staff experience. The new academy has opportunities for staff from a range of disciplines and we’ll be supporting them every step of the way”

Newham CCG Chief Executive Office, Steve Gilvin, said: “Here at Newham CCG we know that our people are our greatest asset. Our primary care staff are hardworking, committed and fiercely loyal to Newham. We are passionate about developing and supporting these staff to deliver high quality care and this has never been more important than in today’s challenging environment. The Quality Improvement Academy will offer a range of opportunities for our staff to learn new skills that can be applied in their everyday work that will ultimately improve care for the people of Newham”
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