Publication of a report providing new evidence on the effectiveness of a cervical cancer vaccination

Publication of a report providing new evidence on the effectiveness of a cervical cancer vaccination featured image
A member of staff at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has led on the.

Almost all cases of cervical cancer are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). New evidence published shows that the HPV vaccine protects against cervical lesions in young women, particularly in those who are vaccinated between the ages of 15 and 26.

Through completion of randomised trials of more than 73,000 girls and young women across 26 trials worldwide, researchers report that the HPV vaccine provides excellent protection against the virus.

Research also found solid evidence that the vaccine is safe.

This survey monitored these individuals for eight years following vaccination.

Pierre Martin-Hirsch, Consultant Gynaecologist at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals was a senior author for this Cohrane report, which has already had a huge impact nationally.

Pierre said: “This study adds to the growing evidence that the HPV vaccine is effective in protecting girls and young women against cervical cancer.” “As the cancer centre for Lancashire and South Cumbria, as well as a leading research centre, it’s really important that we’re involved in such pioneering studies, trials and programmes. This will enable us to bring emerging treatment and approaches to patients now, as well as break new ground in healthcare that will benefit future generations.”

The full report can be viewed here online:
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