What did we deliver? We improved the underlying warehouse data and created new practice and CCG-level dashboards and reports, patient-level reports, prescribing and end-of-life care reports, Commissioner/Provider reports, pathway exception reports, and risk stratification reports. The governance structure we developed gave CCG clinical leads control, so that specifications focused on GPs as the key user group. We later extended the governance structure to include CCG/GP leads in Finance, ICT and Information Governance to optimise project performance. We quickly deployed a cross-functional project team incorporating Business Intelligence, Contract Management, and Programme Management resources, to drive best practice in each project workstream and meet the tight development timescale. We drove strong end-user engagement via practice and locality forums, regular stakeholder communication, establishing a panel of GPs and practice managers to test new reports, and identifying GP ‘champions’ to drive usage during deployment.
How did we add value to the customer? By improving the quality, consistency, and accessibility of data, we facilitated better decision-making and better control of patient pathways and finances. New reports allow GPs to review whether agreed patient pathways are followed, so they can ensure patient care is aligned with clinical best practice.
Tailoring reports based on GP feedback (such as creating reports that help them meet Quality and Outcomes Framework requirements) has increased report usage and increased GP capacity for patient care. Improved functionality has made information more accessible, so that GPs and CCGs could increasingly apply the intelligence to their daily work. Reconciling Secondary Uses Service (SUS) and local contract data flows improved report consistency and usability. GP input to the project specification ensured that information is now easily available to support contract challenges, leading to financial gains for CCGs. Streamlining reports and increasing automation frees up capacity for analysis and valuable insight generation.
Customer Feedback “ABI reports and the underlying data have played an important part in making data more accessible to GPs. It has enabled [us] to involve member practices in local commissioning. In particular, having practice involvement in identifying financial challenges to acute providers has significantly enhanced the process. ABI also provides reports to support GP practices contractual objectives, saving practices significant amounts of time… presenting the information in a clear and easy to understand format.” Dr Andrew Appleton, South Gloucestershire CCG