Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust. Harlow

My pledge is to use electronic patient records to make patient care easier, safer and better. I have now joined the team who are working on rolling out e-prescribing in our trust as a senior doctor and I am hoping that we will soon go live with e-prescribing. I know this will make patient medication prescription and administration safer so I am motivated to support the roll out. I also pledged to smile as much as possible. I try to greet people with a smile, especially when arriving at the hospital in the morning, and try to make eye contact with people looking lost on the hospital site. It does mean you can take a long time to make your way along the corridor as people keep asking you directions but I hope that means they arrive at their appointment in a more relaxed frame of mind.
- Fab Change Week 2017 Actions > Patient Safety
- Acute > Patient Safety
- Acute