Suffolk GP Federation has a single, five year contract with the CCG to provide care -- including secondary care services & a new community-based diabetes specialist team -- and organise other providers across the care pathway through subcontracts.
The CCG used a number of methods to achieve the change in care, including stakeholder analysis, setting a patient-focused vision of care, and providing dedicated time for all stakeholders to give meaningful input into the design of the new model.
One year from the launch, the federation has significantly increased the number of people getting all eight necessary care practices from 40.1% to 60.3%.
The programme has also improved cholesterol and blood pressure outcomes, and decreased hospital readmissions due to diabetic ketoacidosis and hypo/hyperglycaemia by 31.6%.
For the full story, visit and read case study Prime contracting in North East Essex: commissioning a GP federation to deliver a vertically integrated care pathway.