Preston North End footballers visit children’s ward at Royal Preston Hospital

Preston North End football club players visited the children’s ward at Royal Preston Hospital today to spread some festive cheer to the children, families and staff.

Children spending Christmas on the children’s ward at Royal Preston Hospital were excited to receive a visit from the Preston North End football players, who gave out chocolates and gifts to put a smile on their faces.

The players and management made their annual visit to the children’s ward to bring presents and spread some festive joy to the children on the ward. The team spent time speaking with and playing with the children, and brought gifts for everyone too.

Sally McCluskie, Matron at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, said: “It’s an absolutely fantastic opportunity to have the Preston North End players visit our ward each year. It’s amazing for our children to be able to meet the players and it really puts a big smile on their faces. We want to say a big thank you to everyone at PNE for taking the time every year to make Christmas on the ward extra special, and for spending time with our young patients. All of the staff, patients, and their families really appreciate what they do, and we’re very grateful.”

Nicola Entwistle, Sister at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, said: “Being in hospital over Christmas can be an especially upsetting time for children, and acts of kindness like these really do make a difference to the children and their families. We plan lots of activities to make sure that the children aren’t missing out whilst they are in hospital, and are enjoying themselves as much as possible.”

Staff on the children’s ward ensure that there are numerous activities for the children in the run up to Christmas; including visits from pantomime characters, carol singers, and Santa himself. They also asked for donations for Christmas presents this year; to ensure that no child wakes up without a gift on Christmas morning.

The team are still accepting donations for gifts for babies and teenagers in particular. Gifts can include anything from soft toys, rattles and small blankets to toiletries, colouring books and art activities. If you are able to help out the children’s ward at Royal Preston Hospital, and would like to donate a gift then you can drop off any items at the children’s outpatients department at Preston Hospital, or at the general outpatients department at Chorley Hospital and items will all be collated. Please leave a note with your contact details on so that you can be thanked for your kind donation.

  • Primary Care
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Fabulous Stuff
  • Primary Care > Active communities
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