Praise for our midwife-led birth centre

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is pleased to have been recognised for our high quality, patient focused, midwife-led birth centre by the Midwifery Unit Network (MUNet).

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals has been selected as a “beacon site” for our midwife-led birth centre.

It is important that women have choices available of where to give birth and our maternity service provides all four options for place of birth; namely home, freestanding midwifery led unit, alongside midwifery led unit and delivery suite.

This is the gold standard and makes us just one of three NHS hospitals in the country to be awarded this status.

Birth centres share a number of important characteristics. The midwives running them want women to feel empowered and supported to give birth using their own resources. They also have an in-depth knowledge of pregnant women’s physiology and clear understanding about what is a deviation from normal, requiring transfer to medical care.

Care in midwifery-led facilities is particularly suitable for women who are less likely to experience complications because their health is good, their obstetric history is uncomplicated and their pregnancy is progressing well.

Cathy Atherton, Head of Midwifery at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals said: “We are thrilled to have been selected as a beacon site for our midwife-led birth centre. The maternity service has been working towards the provision of midwifery led care for some years now and it is wonderful to have this recognition. It is important that women are cared for in the most appropriate birth setting where the care they receive can be tailored to their individual needs. The whole maternity team is committed to offering choice to women and to providing the best information to help women with their decision.”

MUNet is a leading UK initiative which is committed to ensuring that women have positive birth experiences and the best start possible for the family and the new baby.
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