Positive Behavioural Support - Free Resources

Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) is recognised as an effective and ethical way of supporting people with learning disabilities who are at risk of behaviour that challenges.

It is a framework for developing an understanding of behaviour based on an assessment of the broad social, physical and individual context in which the behaviour occurs. PBS uses this information to develop a range of evidence-based support for a person.

The overall goal is to enhance the person’s quality of life, thus reducing the likelihood of challenging behaviour occurring in the first place. When a person receives PBS it is unlikely to come from just one individual, one professional group or one service. Families, carers, professionals, service providers and commissioners all work together and each play their part in supporting that person.

The PBS Academy has published The PBS Competence Framework to help define what constitutes a good standard of Positive Behavioural Support in the UK. Available to download FREE from www.pbsacademy.org.uk.

It provides a detailed framework of all the things that you need to know and the things that you need to do when delivering best practice PBS to people with learning disabilities who are at risk of behaviour that challenges.

The objectives of the framework are that: -

More people with learning disabilities and behaviours that challenge will benefit from high-quality, evidence-based support delivered by competent professionals working as part of a multi-disciplinary team.

- Practitioners will benefit from professional development and occupational standards.

- Organisations supporting people with learning disabilities and behaviours that challenge will be able to employ practitioners with a greater degree of certainty about competence and quality.

- Commissioners will have a greater understanding of the nature and use of PBS in practice.

- Practice based research will contribute to the growing evidence base for PBS.

To support the use of this framework in practice, the PBS Academy has also developed a set of FREE resources designed for specific groups. Each resource has been co-produced with representatives from each target group and is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This means that people can remix, tweak and build upon the content of the resources for themselves, as long as they credit the original source and license their work under identical terms.

We have resources available for the following groups: - People with learning disabilities - Family Carers - Support workers - Service providers - Commissioners Visit our website for further information and to download all the resources for FREE www.pbsacademy.org.uk
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