PINNT launches inspirational film for 'Home Artificial Nutrition' Week 2015

PINNT launches inspirational film for 'Home Artificial Nutrition' Week 2015 featured image
This week, PINNT, the UK wide charity and support group for people receiving parenteral and enteral nutrition are launching the third HANs Awareness Week, with their 'Art Attack' Event, showcasing artwork with a difference by PINNT member and artist Sarah Robson and releasing a new inspirational and educational film.

Sarah, who has total parenteral nutrition (TPN) due to a serious illness, felt compelled, during her lengthy hospital stays, to create unique pieces of art from left-over items from her life-saving therapy. Creating artwork was very therapeutic for Sarah and provided a creative outlet for her thoughts and feelings during an extremely difficult time.

Sarah explained: “It started with making flowers out of the little cups you get your tablets in but turned into a bit of a collecting obsession. This led to me planning an art exhibition of the items I have made, with a view to promoting awareness of people living with TPN and the support that PINNT provides people like myself on how to live as normal a live as possible.”

Carolyn Wheatley, Chair of PINNT, commented: "This year we at PINNT are delighted to be launching our third HANs Awareness Week at our Art Attack Official Launch Event at the Houndgate Townhouse Hotel in Darlington. This event will give us the opportunity of showcasing the fabulous artwork that Sarah has created from the many ‘throw-away’ items such as port protectors, caps from vials, bottle tops etc that those receiving HAN are left with following their daily treatment. We wanted to celebrate the positive side of people living with these hidden illnesses and using these hidden, live-saving treatments and how people can go on to live full, and rewarding lives in spite of the difficulties they face on a daily basis."

Artificial nutrition therapies include parenteral nutrition (delivered via a line direct through the vein) and enteral nutrition via a tube into the stomach or bowel. People on TPN are therefore totally reliant on their treatment to stay alive.

Many of the pieces of art that Sarah has created are dishes and plates of ‘food’ made from the recycled TPN items – bringing to attention the way in which people on TPN eat vs the general public. HANs Awareness Week provides us with the opportunity of sharing some of our members’ stories and showcasing some of the work that PINNT undertake throughout the year, supporting members by producing literature, running regional and local meetings and providing guidance and support to patients, their carers, the general public and of course PINNT members."

As the UK wide charity and support group committed to improving the daily lives of all adults and children receiving artificial nutrition (AN) therapies, PINNT have worked tirelessly to partner with healthcare professional organisations, healthcare providers and other key associations to ensure that all HANs patients are put at the centre of care and work that is carried out. PINNT membership is free to patients and associate members of the participating organisations. To support PINNT’s work, visit for information and to watch our film which shares the experiences of many of our members.
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