Perinatal Positivity

Perinatal Positivity featured image

Perinatal Positivity uses the real voices and experiences of women and men who have had mental wellbeing difficulties around the time of pregnancy, childbirth and beyond. @PerinatalFilm

In 2016 Emma Lazenby, director of ForMed Films CIC, first met consultant obstetrician Rachel Liebling. Through her work at St Michael’s Hospital in Bristol, Rachel had experienced a need for education around perinatal mental health. Emma and Rachel decided to work together on Perinatal Positivity, a project to show families-to-be and health professionals the reality of perinatal mental health issues, but also that recovery is possible.

Since those first conversations Emma has worked with numerous parents, health professionals and charities. ‘Ultimately, our hope is that these stories will help families to be more aware, to keep talking, to look after each other, to know they are normal and to find help as soon as possible.’

We’d like the Perinatal Positivity film to be watched by all new parents-to-be so please do share it as much as you can. It’s free to watch, share or embed. We only ask that you don’t charge for showing or sharing the film.

You can also print out the Perinatal Positivity poster and postcard to hand out and display where you work. The back page of the postcard has a blank area where you can add local information and contacts.

How to use the film

•Add a link to the film to your emails/texts to people attending midwife appointments as part of their reminder

•Download the film to a tablet/smart phone to show people during health visitor and midwife visits

•Show it on TV screens in waiting rooms (there is a subtitled version of the film)

•Embed it on your website and signpost people to it during appointments

•Show it as part of an ante-natal group or pregnancy circle

•Show it in staff meetings to raise awareness and share ideas on how best to support people

•Use it as part of midwifery and health visitor student training

•Add it to your maternity app

•Use the postcard (with local information added) to antenatal ‘notes’

•Print the poster and display in waiting rooms and other communal areas.

Access to the film, posters, postcards and much more is on the website

  • Acute
  • Acute > Family Care
  • Acute > Family Care > Maternity
  • Mental Health
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Fabulous Stuff
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