Patient videos help GP Access put the care into Primary

Patient videos help GP Access put the care into Primary featured image
Patients, GPs, nurses and practice staff around the country have welcomed the GP Access patient appointment system  because of its outstanding positive effects and video has played an important role in helping patients understand how to use the new service.

GP Access is a new appointment system to make it faster and simpler for patients to see or speak to their doctor when they need them and has helped reduce complaints and pressure on staff. The reception staff at Bourne Galletly Practice were finding that dealing with their existing system was very stressful ‘People were frustrated that they couldn’t see a clinician when they wanted to and by about 10am we were having to turn people away.’

Since taking on the new system over 60 GP practices are seeing very positive results. “The GP Access system is a huge change not just a little tweaking to the traditional system. What it means is that we start each day with a clean slate and telephone consultations. A lot of patients can be dealt with on the phone, more than 50% I would say, and a year on we are receiving less complaints about not being able to book an appointment” says Dr Aminur Rahman, Bosworth Medical Centre

Mark Pittaway, Business Manager for Newtown Medical Centre states “We have had positive feedback and patients like the idea that their GP will call back, often within the hour’. And to make it even easier for patients to understand the new system, GP Access collaborated with the specialist health video provider, Health and Care Videos to produce the video ‘Making it Easier to See Your Doctor’.

The video has had an over 2500 hits, which is proof that patients are not only using the internet to gain more information, but are taking control of their healthcare. A new rebranded version of the video is created for each GP practice that adopts the new approach to their booking appointment system. This makes the use of video quick and very low cost, which is an approach that makes the Health and Care Videos library of over 200 clinical videos easily usable by all healthcare providers.

GP Access , with help from Health and Care Videos, are helping GP practices solve the problem of access, continuity and taking the stress out of making an appointment. It’s a faster and simpler system for patients and practice staff. With so many practices embracing their system, it looks like they are already well on their way to achieving this.
  • Fabulous Stuff
  • Digital technology
  • Gp appointment systems
  • Service pathway improvements
  • The 4 Candles Award
  • The HMS Victory Award
  • Delivering efficiency savings
  • digital inclusion
  • Patient Empowerment
  • Primary care
  • Acute > Fabulous Stuff
  • Acute
  • Leadership and Management > Fabulous Stuff
  • Leadership and Management
  • Primary Care > Fabulous Stuff
  • Community Services > Fabulous Stuff
  • Community Services
  • Mental Health > Fabulous Stuff
  • Mental Health
  • Social Care > Fabulous Stuff
  • Social Care
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Fabulous Stuff
  • Commissioning and Procurement
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Digital technology
  • Social Care > Digital technology
  • Mental Health > Digital technology
  • Community Services > Digital technology
  • Primary Care > Digital technology
  • Leadership and Management > Service Design/Innovation > Digital technology
  • Leadership and Management > Service Design/Innovation
  • Acute > Family Care > Digital technology
  • Acute > Family Care
  • Acute > Surgery > Digital technology
  • Acute > Surgery
  • Acute > Medicine > Digital technology
  • Acute > Medicine
  • Acute > Clinical Support > Digital technology
  • Acute > Clinical Support
  • Primary Care > GP Appointment Systems
  • Leadership and Management > Service Design/Innovation > Service pathway improvements
  • Acute > Delivering efficiency savings
  • Leadership and Management > Delivering efficiency savings
  • Primary Care > Delivering efficiency savings
  • Community Services > Delivering efficiency savings
  • Mental Health > Delivering efficiency savings
  • Social Care > Delivering efficiency savings
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Delivering efficiency savings
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Digital inclusion
  • Mental Health > Digital inclusion
  • Community Services > Digital inclusion
  • Primary Care > Digital inclusion
  • Leadership and Management > Service Design/Innovation > Digital inclusion
  • Acute > Family Care > Digital inclusion
  • Acute > Surgery > Digital inclusion
  • Acute > Medicine > Digital inclusion
  • Acute > Clinical Support > Digital inclusion
  • Acute > Patient Empowerment
  • Community Services > Patient Empowerment
  • Primary Care > Patient Empowerment
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