Patient Latest

Wow! We all know the old saying that the best things in life are free but in this case as far as reducing pressure on frontline NHS ward care staff a brand new FREE solution is available right now.

Encouraging the use of by patients provides the perfect means to reduce calls to ward from their relatives and friends. It was borne out of the personal experience of a bone marrow transplant patient Martin Clarke based in the North East . Most people are aware that communicating and keeping everyone informed whilst a person is in hospital or a care facility is time consuming, costly and tiring.

Very often the same patient update is conveyed several times a day to ward telephone callers. If only a small number of patients were informed of the existence of and used the free secure patient latest messaging platform this would significantly reduce calls to ward saving the NHS considerable time and money. uses credit card transaction level security.

How does it work?

Well the patient or their representative signs up to the site for free.

Then they list the email addresses of the people they wish to keep updated. The site automatically contacts them and invites them to join so they can be kept updated.

The patient or their approved representative, if the patient isn’t able to use the site themselves can then make as many updates as they wish in their personal secure area. Only those relatives and people the patient has invited by email to share their updates will be notified by email each time the patient updates their situation.

These invited guests then log on to the site and can read the patient's latest update. In simple terms it's like having a safety deposit box. The patient leaves a message in their secure private box. The site notifies the patient's allowed keyholders to read this message. They can then log in and open the box to read the update. They can also leave messages of support in the box for the patient to read at their leisure. It also enables real time group chatting.

The site doesn't ask for an address for the patient they only need to supply an email, name and password.

Martin spent a lot of time in hospital and experienced the pressures and stresses involved just keeping everyone informed and updated.

He used to feel sorry for the nurses as they often received several enquiries each day from people wanting to know how he was.

After Martin left hospital and felt well enough he looked at several ways of creating a safe and secure service with wide appeal and ease of use and decided upon the current solution.

Basically everyone wins by using patient latest as it is free, it saves time, money and stress for the patient, and families and this is multiplied for the NHS in terms of time saved answering calls.

Try it for yourself log onto the website
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