There is a growing concern that education needs of our professionals may be sacrificed for meeting efficiency targets and other system wide pressures
(1). Moreover, it is acknowledged that newly qualified doctors may lack preparation for a holistic approach in providing immediate care in medicalemergencies (2) while their nursing colleagues lack access to continuing professional development through a gradual funding gap (3).
Thanks tofurther funding from Health Education East of England we continued an Inter-professional simulation course aimed at learning from error for Foundation Year (FY) Trainees and nurses taking part in a locally run leadership programme. We targeted clinical learning specific to the needs ofnewly qualified FY Trainees and aligned these to current Trust initiatives relating to CQUIN targets-Sepsis, Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) as well as new Massive Blood Loss (MBL) pathways.
We call this Simulation at Harlow for Foundation Trainees (SH4FT™).