These services can include but are not limited to:
- Pharmacist prescribers in admissions units and wards.
- Pharmacists or pharmacist prescribers writing discharge prescriptions. This can be done on one stop ward rounds to prevent batching (see SAFER patient care bundle).
- Pharmacists working hours in acute medical units matching work demands and patient flow into and out of acute units.
- Near patient pharmacy discharge teams.
- Pharmacy technicians/dispensing assistants embedded in ward teams to improve communication, counselling and supply.
- Pharmacy staff on board rounds.
- Pharmacy workforce hours which reflect decision making times on the ward e.g. start at 8am if the board round starts at 8.30am.
- Pharmacy pre-admission clinics.
- Seven day clinical pharmacy services to high admission/discharge areas to reduce delays to discharges overthe weekend and on Mondays.
