The dashboard is located on the Trust intranet and is accessible to all staff.
Its purpose is to provide a central location for all generic key performance indicators (KPIs) representing Nursing and Midwifery (N&M).
The information displayed on the dashboard can be displayed at ward (department); divisional and Trust level.
The dashboard also provides links to other Trust-wide and speciality dashboards, making this a N&M one-stop point for all data.
The dashboard includes a range of measures that provide a strategic overview and focus on the process measures of fundamentals of care, together with patient outcomes and feedback on their experience of care.
Since its introduction in spring 2016, the dashboard has been used to provide information for the N&M monthly performance meeting.
By providing staff with a location where all information is accessible to all, in one place, it has reduced the time taken by staff to gather their areas’ KPIs.
In turn this supports staff to focus on actions and improvement, rather than information ‘gathering’. It also provides a single recognised data set for nursing therefore avoiding any variance in data being presented by or to nursing teams.
It is not intended that the dashboard is an end in itself but to support staffs existing clinical knowledge and experience about an area’s performance. In turn helping individual wards / departments and divisions understand where to focus effort to make improvements in care.
Also included within the dashboard is a link to each division’s action plan, recorded in Excel on SharePoint.
By making these accessible to all, it is hoped that it will help contribute to shared learning and development.
The dashboard is still evolving, as we continue to refine it, to ensure that it becomes the recognised, accurate point for all data relating to N&M.
Our aim is to reduce the manual manipulation and upload of Excel files to provide the data for the dashboard and we are working to provide live feeds of data to the dashboard through the use of replica databases.
Continuing collaboration with QlikView® will also optimise the dashboard visuals and potential.
For further information on this project please contact:
Lynn Fullerton [email protected] (Practice Development Matron, Corporate Nursing)
Alastair Watson [email protected] (Advanced Analyst, Quality and Nursing Team within Information & Insight)
Ann-Marie Riley [email protected] (Deputy Chief Nurse)