Nominate an NHS Digital Pioneer!

Nominate an NHS Digital Pioneer! featured image
Do you know an NHS colleague who deserves recognition for how they have led digital transformation, or innovated within their organisation, for the benefit of colleagues and patients?

Why not nominate them for an NHS Digital Pioneer Award?

The NHS Digital Pioneer Awards - coordinated by DigitalHealth.London with the support of NHS England - recognise courage, progressiveness and leadership in digitally enabled transformation.

The awards are open to any individual working within the NHS in London, across all roles and rank.


We are inviting nominations for the following three award categories:

• Digital Leadership

• Digital Innovation

• Sustainability through Digital

Category guide

Digital Leadership: demonstrates courage and vision, and exercises an ability to win hearts and minds within the NHS environment to take a digital idea through to pilot and/or commission.

Digital Innovation: demonstrates an ability to see the art of the possible. Actively seeks and engages digital solutions to drive transformation, and/or successfully uses co-design principles to create a solution.

Sustainability through Digital: has successfully used leadership, human factors and improvement principles to ensure the sustained adoption of a digital innovation through to measurable outcome delivery.

The three successful Digital Pioneer Award winners will be announced at the DigitalHealth.London/collaborate gathering on the 22 February 2017, which will be attended by the great and good in the NHS and NHS England.

Judging process All completed applications submitted will be reviewed as follows:

• Shortlisting Conducted by a panel drawn from senior leaders within NHS England, provider organisations and CCGs. Three applicants will be shortlisted per award category.

• Final judging panel The nine shortlisted finalists will be invited to speak with our panel of judges in January.

One winner and one commendation will be selected per award category. Nominations are open now!

To be considered for an award, you must be nominated by a colleague or manager working in the same NHS organisation or a different NHS organisation; by an industry partner or colleague; or by a service user. Nominees must be based within a London NHS organisation.

All nominees will be emailed an awards questionnaire, which must be completed and returned to [email protected] by 7 December 2016.

The nominee should be available in principle to attend a judging panel in January 2017. The nominee must also be available to attend the DigitalHealth.London/collaborate gathering on the 22 February 2017.

To nominate someone for an award complete the nomination form here:

Upon receiving your nomination, we will contact the nominee to complete the application process. The deadline for nominations is 25 November.
  • News
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  • Digital technology
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  • Leadership and Management
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  • Community Services
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  • Mental Health
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  • Social Care
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Fabulous Stuff
  • Commissioning and Procurement
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Digital technology
  • Social Care > Digital technology
  • Mental Health > Digital technology
  • Community Services > Digital technology
  • Primary Care > Digital technology
  • Leadership and Management > Service Design/Innovation > Digital technology
  • Leadership and Management > Service Design/Innovation
  • Acute > Family Care > Digital technology
  • Acute > Family Care
  • Acute > Surgery > Digital technology
  • Acute > Surgery
  • Acute > Medicine > Digital technology
  • Acute > Medicine
  • Acute > Clinical Support > Digital technology
  • Acute > Clinical Support
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