Leeds ‘aspire’ A service providing engagement, hope & recovery #5YFVMH-1 year on

The Leeds EIP service, ‘aspire’, is aimed at young people aged 14–35 who are experiencing first episode psychosis.

The key principles of the service are engagement, hope and recovery.

The service, which is delivered by Community Links, and as such is a rare example of a third sector provider.

There is a strong commitment to collaborative work to improve referrals and access to care (40% of service users have a duration of untreated psychosis of less than three months).  As part of this, increased effort is being made to connect with hard-to-engage communities. ‘aspire’ also promotes involvement and social recovery through a support, time and recovery worker and offers social goal-orientated events. You can read more about the service here https://www.england.nhs.uk/mental-health/case-studies/mh-leeds/#FutureNHS

For further information contact [email protected]
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