Fab support sessions On Scotter ward we are using a new way of meeting targets and objectives in order to:
- Support staff Meet targets for quarterly clinical supervision
- Meet targets for quarterly attendance at staff meetings as per LCHS staff charter
- Ensure all staff attend mandatory bespoke to the ward training
- Provide a forum to feedback and disseminate learning points from IR2s and RCAs
- Give staff an opportunity for dedicated discussion and support from peers and managers therefore valuing their opinions and input to help facilitate improvement and change and empowering decisions to ultimately improve patient care standards
- Give staff protected time out from the ward setting
- Provide a more time effective efficient way of delivering the above than the present system we had
- Provide opportunities for Clinical specialists and leads to have dedicated time with staff from the shop floor therefore improving and enhancing working relationships.

We are facilitating this by providing a protected day for each member of staff every quarter
The sessions are held on a monthly basis and the same daily agenda to held for 3 months then the focus changed.
All staff clinical and non clinical and therapy are rostered onto the day as part of their off duty
The days session content is planned by Clinical Team Lead Donna Phillips and Ward Sister Lynn Short.
The day is organised, session speakers arranged and bespoke sessions facilitated by Donna and Lynn.
The first session that was held had the theme running through the day of accountability responsibility and recognition of each other roles. The agenda for the day was very full and varied.
The feedback both verbally and written was extremely good.
We decided to incorporate the staff meeting into these days as this will ensure attendance by at least a third of the ward staff and we open the staff meeting section to other staff who wish to come in to attend from clinical duty or days off.
We also include a group clinical supervision session based around an RCA or recent clinical incident in order to give staff an appreciation of the investigation process, evaluate the situation and appraise what we did well determine any improvements we could have made and disseminate learning points.
The safeguarding team attend every quarter to provide safeguarding supervision.
Bespoke training that we have covered include
- Food Hygeine update
- ANTT, NEWS and sepsis checklist training
- fire evacuation
- wound care,
- Falls awareness,
- continence issues
- reps to demonstrate new equipment
- Experiential learning role play sessions with a theme of 'what it feels like to be a patient'
We evaluate all the sessions and this is reflected in the Clinical Supervision quarterly reports, team meeting attendance minutes, decrease in clinical incidences, improvement of audit reports such as NEWS and quality audits and staff satisfaction feedback in appraisals and 1:1s.