New podiatry apprenticeship course now live on Health Education England’s elearning for health hub

Health Education England e-learning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust, Health and Care Innovations Limited (HCI), the University of Plymouth Podiatry team and HEE South West, to develop a new e-learning programme to support podiatrists providing training for apprenticeship roles at foundation, intermediate and graduate level.

A result of a targeted action taken by the South West regional podiatry workforce action group, the aim is to support consistent clinical education and competency evaluation for the learners and educators.

The new elearning sessions have been created so that podiatry staff teaching, mentoring, clinical training and educating apprentices within the workforce can be completed remotely. The video based content takes users step by step through the skills that they will learn during the pre registration apprenticeship courses.

Topics include:

- clinical procedures

- surgery and conditions

- equipment

- governance

- protocols

HCI’s team of project managers, medical scriptwriters, videographers and graphic designers have scoped, scripted and produced 83 videos, written questions and built the elearning course, that has been reviewed and signed off by clinical teams from Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Plymouth Podiatry lecturers.

The University of Plymouth and HCI have also been carrying out user acceptance testing throughout the project.

South West Podiatry Workforce Action Plan Project Lead Angela Abbott says “These videos have been developed by South West teams with support from HEE, they aim to describe and demonstrate a range of topics and skills that podiatrists should encounter in the workplace. We hope they will provide consistency for our students on placement and help save educators and mentors time.“

How to access the course:

The Podiatry Undergraduate and Postgraduate apprenticeship course is available to access via the elearning for healthcare hub.

You can learn more about the e-learning resources on the Podiatry Undergraduate and Postgraduate apprenticeship course page HERE

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