The service was officially launched on the 4th April 2016.
The orientation session saw over 60 GPs, AHPs and nurse specialists come together to understand the evidence base behind the new service and hear about what the service would provide and the clarify the referral process.
The session was opened by Elspeth Desert(Clinical Director), with presentations from Dr. Lizzie Davey (Clinical Lead) and Joanna Manley (Quality and Physiotherapy Lead). Two guest speakers also included • Dr. Frances Coles (GP and CBT therapist – who has a passion for integrated pathways and new ways of working) • Dr. Matt Tautz consultant pain specialist from Westmoreland General Hospital who explored some of the challenges of prescribing.
There was some wonderful feedback - with most attendees commenting that the PPSS launch is an exciting and much needed development
• “I think it is very exciting and long awaited development in Cumbria. It should fill a large hole for patients who in the past have had nowhere to go.”
• “Thrilled about such a positive resource for patients.”
• “Excited for patients and a well needed service.”
• “It sounds like a really useful and rounded resource for managing so very difficult to help patients”
• “Hallelujah! At last we have some support in managing these challenging patients. I look forward to working with the PPSS team to improve the lives of these patients.”
• “Seems too good to be true. Already have a list of patients who would benefit.”
There were also some valuable ideas and suggestions on how we could further (collaboratively) develop the integrated pathway across organisational boundaries. The event was closed by Joanna Forster Adams (CPFT Executive Director of Operations) who thanked Elspeth and her team for working hard to launch the event – but specifically to Elspeth for her determination and perseverance. “Fantastic grit and determination to do the right thing for Cumbria. PPSS outstanding”- quote from twitter