'My fantastic nurse believed in me when nobody else did'

ImageA community psychiatric nurse was nominated by a patient determined that she is recognised for her care and compassion.

Susan Hemming expects her ‘fantastic’ nurse Kelly Hayes to say she is just doing her job, but insists Kelly 
goes far above and beyond that.

She has nominated Kelly for  the Yakult Patients Choice category of the Nursing Standard Nurse Awards. Kelly is one of four nurses, out of 100 nominations, to be shortlisted by the judges. Susan has experienced mental health problems all her adult life 
and had given up on her dream 
of becoming an occupational therapist. She had been unable to 
go to university because of dyslexia.

When Kelly took over Susan’s care two years ago she was at rock bottom. ‘I had given up on my life,’ says Susan. ‘I was reverting to my anorexia, self-harming daily, feeling suicidal and without any hope -‘Kelly believed in me. Every time I was ready to give up on life she convinced me life hadn’t given up on me yet and neither had she.’

‘Everyone was suggesting a full-time intensive programme for complex needs. Looking back, had I done so, I would have let my disorders define me and probably never have regained motivation.’

Kelly, who works for Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, researched Susan’s options and convinced her to sit the entrance test for a college access course. She failed at her first attempt. ‘I was suicidal. I rang Kelly in bits and she picked me back up, helped me put myself together again.’

With Kelly’s encouragement, Susan got a tutor and studied hard. She got in. ‘I wasn’t due to see Kelly for more than two weeks when I told her the news and she dropped round a card and handmade present to say well done,’ Susan recalls.

Susan is now at university studying occupational therapy. 
‘I wouldn’t be alive today if it wasn’t for Kelly, and I know if she has done all this for me, there are many more people she has given 
a lifeline and hope to. I am eternally grateful for her. Nobody in my life believed I could do it, least of all me, except for Kelly that is.’

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust director of nursing and clinical standards Ros Alstead congratulated Kelly ‘Excellence in psychiatric nursing care is not always acknowledged and it is fantastic that Kelly's excellent care has been acknowledged through this nomination.’

You can read the full story here -http://rcni.com/newsroom/nurse-awards/my-fantastic-nurse-believed-me-when-nobody-else-did-25826
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