Mums are invited to the Morton Manor Breastfeeding Group

Health visitors in Carlisle are encouraging mums to pop along to their weekly support group by holding a social picnic.

The breastfeeding group is held every Friday between 1pm and 2.30pm at Morton Manor, is for any mum or expectant mother to come along to find out more about breastfeeding, get support and advice and share a cuppa.

The group has already helped a number of mums from around Carlisle; Sian Whitaker, 32 from Brough by Sands explained how she would have stopped breastfeeding had the group not been able to offer her support: ‘The breast feeding group has helped me so much; I went to a session with my first baby after struggling and having difficulties breastfeeding him, initially I was quite apprehensive and nervous about going but everyone was really friendly and I instantly felt at ease. “I would never have kept going with breastfeeding if I hadn’t of gone to the group and spoke to other mums who were in the same boat. My health visitor Helen was fantastic and really went out of her way to help giving advice and helping with treatment options. “When I had my second baby I again struggled with breastfeeding so continued going to the group as the support is fantastic, I wouldn’t be breastfeeding now if I hadn’t of gone to the sessions. I have also become a breastfeeding peer support person, where I have had training so that I can help other mums struggling with breastfeeding.’

Yvonne Pickering, 30 from Dalston Road, Carlisle says after the support she has received she would recommend the group to other mums: ‘I originally heard about the breast feeding group through my health visitor Carly when she came to see me and recommended that I should go. The group is great, there is so much support and it’s good to chat to other mums who are going through the same thing as we can all relate to one another. I have had to work hard and persevere with breastfeeding but with the support from the group it has been a lot easier to keep going and I’m glad to say I now generally only breastfeed my baby. The help from Carly has also been fantastic and I would definitely recommend the group to other new mums wanting support and advice with breastfeeding.’

The health visitors who run the group, alongside Helen Ferris (Breastfeeding Midwife) and the peer-support workers, understand that every mother’s experience of feeding their baby is different and the group are keen to help and support as many mums as they can to breastfeed if they choose to.

Carly Crellin, Health Visitor from Cumbria Partnership Foundation Trust said: “Breastfeeding has a wealth of benefits but we understand that some mums may need support from health professionals and other likeminded mums who have overcome the same hurdles. By providing mums-to-be with more information before their baby arrives, they can get to know the full benefits and help Dads to understand the benefits too, as well as making new friends along the way.”
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