More than 300 Digital Champions are helping their teams to embrace new technology at Leeds Teaching Hospitals.

More than 300 Digital Champions  are helping their teams to embrace new technology at Leeds Teaching Hospitals. featured image

Digital Champions initiative

The Digital Informatics Department is leading the way that will enable everyone in The Leeds Teaching Hospitals to provide safe and integrated patient centred care in Leeds and beyond. However, this vision will not be possible or affordable without close cooperation between the Digital Informatics Department and the Digital Champions. 

The Digital Informatics team has created and rolled out an engagement strategy that shows the positive impact of how engagement is helping to implement new technology in The Leeds Teaching Hospitals. This initiate has gone from strength to strength, with more than 300 staff volunteers having joined us last year.


The Digital Champions strategy has been designed to determine and establish an action plan that will coordinate the engagement and communication between Digital Informatics Department and Digital Champions across Leeds Teaching Hospitals.

The implementation

Digital Champions idea was born as part of the implementation of the new electronic nursing documentation in our Electronic

Patient Record (EPR). The Implementation Team, the team assigned to the project, had the challenge of supporting the long term delivery of electronic documentation to over 17.000 staff in the Trust. The team rapidly identified the need of establish an action that will coordinate the communication and engagement with the staff. 

The team worked hard to create the champions description, design an intranet website, produce high quality training and most importantly, create a solid communication strategy. When the strategy was set, we commenced to spread the message. Firstly each CSU was asked to provide a Digital Champion by email. Projects nurses distributed this email to managerial teams to explain the champions role, where to find the support and the channels to get in touch. At the same time, as part of the roll out walk rounds, project support officers identified and recruited clinical staff interested in helping their teams to embrace the new technology. We have received an overwhelming response. 

To promote and recognise the effort and commitment of the Digital Champions, an internal communication campaign was putted in place. Batches, articles in the hospital magazine, newsletters, and obviously big moments in social media were shared with the champions. We were so fortunate to be supported by the people from Forward app. They sponsored two Digital Champion lunches organised as part of the Perfect Digital Week 2018. It was a pleasure to celebrate with the champions and the attendance was very positive. 

The figure of the Digital Champion is now being recognised as key role that will support the adoption of new technology within Leeds Teaching Hospital. 

Twitter @DITLeeds #DITdigitalchampions

  • Acute
  • Acute > Clinical Support
  • Acute > Clinical Support > Digital inclusion
  • Acute > Clinical Support > Digital technology
  • Social Care > Digital inclusion
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