Medway Maritime Hospital celebrates NHS Fab Change Day

Medway Maritime Hospital celebrates NHS Fab Change Day featured image
logo2Staff at Medway Maritime Hospital came out in force last week to celebrate NHS Fab Change Day.

Fab Change Day is a national day of activity, where staff across the NHS come together to harness collective ideas and energy to make a change. As part of Fab Change Day, there was a special marketplace in the staff restaurant comprised of several stalls – each of which showcased different aspects of change that have been introduced to help improve patient care and experience.

The exhibiting stalls included the new Transforming Care programme, MediLead – the leadership programme recently launched for junior doctors, the work of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)team, as well as a stall aimed at sharing information about the staff survey and its importance.

night-shotDuring the event, staff members held up pledge cards to highlight their ideas on how to deliver lasting and positive change at Medway Maritime Hospital. Some of the pledges included publicising midwifery services in local GP surgeries; making the site safer and more secure for staff and patients, and providing better fitting gowns for patients. Staff members were also encouraged to tweet their ideas of change using the #FabMedway hashtag.

Rebecca Bradd, Acting Directing of Workforce, said: “It was fantastic that so many staff put their full support behind Fab Change Day. It was particularly pleasing to see both clinical and non-clinical staff coming forward with some really excellent suggestions on how we can deliver positive and lasting change.

“The important thing is that we now act on these ideas to help improve the hospital for patients and staff. It’s also important to remember that we shouldn’t need a national day to advocate change; we can do this day in day out, throughout the year.”
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