#MatExp was born on 17.10.2014 in the maternity unit of Kingston Hospital, London. It was only expected to be small. But it is growing up fast. It was conceived when #FabObs Flo, a.k.a Florence Wilcock, consultant obstetrician, at Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust became chair of the London Maternity Strategic Clinical Network’s maternity user sub-group in 2014.
Many trusts in London had poor patient survey results, and Flo was looking for an innovative approach to improve things. Kirkup / Francis reports recommend that to prevent avoidable tragedies, hospitals should embrace shared leadership and involve all staff in providing best-possible standards of patient care. Shared leadership is central to #MatExp.
Through Twitter, Flo spotted that Gill Phillips @WhoseShoes was working in partnership with an Age UK consortium in Kent, using her Whose Shoes concept and board game to help people understand and support people living with dementia. The tool uses lively, real scenarios to spark conversations between professionals and those they serve. By breaking down traditional hierarchies, all ‘sides’ can understand other perspectives and work together for positive change.
Funding from NHS England was secured to co-produce new bespoke scenarios and poems to promote empathy and understanding in maternity services and hold five pilot maternity experience workshops across London. #Cando Kath @KathEvans2, was instrumental. The workshops are vibrant, inclusive and action-focused, fostering local ownership. Through lively conversations and light-bulb moments, examples of good practice and improvement ideas are recorded. Everyone feels valued: the women, obstetricians, midwives, anaesthetists, pathology and neonatal staff, receptionists and porters.
Each pilot site identified improvements relevant to their local needs.
• Provide antenatal care clinics at more convenient times of the day
• Review the format of hand held notes with users
• Provide a service for women who have had a previous traumatic birth experience.
• Set up activity and peer support groups for women who can’t access NCT classes.
The SCN toolkit including practical tips, case studies and an ‘in their shoes’ film are being shared nationally, helping other hospitals lead their own improvements. #MatExp has contributed to Guernsey’s dramatically improved NMC report.
The #MatExp social media campaign exploded onto the scene, building on the energy of the workshops, drawing people in and building momentum. Organic, inclusive, passionate:
• No hierarchy, just people.
• Right is right even if no-one is doing it
• JFDI. Just Do It.
• Cake – bake-off!
Women across the country are leading change: they’ve established a #MatExp website, an active Facebook group, regular tweetchats, with ‘champions’ for topics such as language, breastfeeding, and mental health (started when #MatExp was a featured 2015 #NHSChangeDay campaign) presenting at NHS Expo and…everywhere.
The National Maternity Review are listening! Action-packed #FlamingJune, #OxyOct, #MatExpAdvent campaigns demonstrate that ANYONE can make a difference.
Initial objectives were to improve maternity care across London; now a change platform to improve maternity care globally! Bringing new people on board every single day. #MatExp is … unstoppable.