Liaison Group is delighted to announce the appointment of a team of Strategic Advisors to assist in working with health and social care systems across the UK.
The Strategic Advisors will work to provide insight into the unique challenges the NHS faces, and support Liaison Group in seeking out innovative solutions, developing new technologies, and providing expertise to drive efficiency and excellence across Integrated Care Systems.
Liaison Group has worked with Strategic Advisors for many years to support its mission of changing the global health economy. However, with the burden of the recent pandemic and incoming restructure of NHS organisations, the company felt that it was the right time to seek out further expert advice and insight to continue moving forward and provide the necessary support ICSs require in their early months and years.
Andrew Armitage, Group CEO, says: “We are delighted to be joined at Liaison Group by the new Strategic Advisors, and see them as a positive force for advising us of what NHS organisations most require to address their challenges. By sharing their knowledge and expertise, we aim to help ICSs with the tools, consultation and innovation they require to meet the changing healthcare needs of the UK population.
“As a company, we are driven to find solutions to overcome the NHS’s challenges and work exclusively within healthcare to do precisely this. Our values go beyond finding and recovering financial savings, which we have done successfully for over thirty years, and with the support of our Strategic Advisors, move towards innovation to improve the healthcare economy.
“The Board and I are looking forward to building close relationships with the team, and hope that there will be many benefits for both Liaison Group and each Advisor, as well as the NHS and wider healthcare system as a whole.”
To find out more about Liaison Group’s work with ICSs, please get in touch at [email protected].
We are also interested in continuing to expand our team of Strategic Advisors, particularly in the London area, so please do get in touch if you would be interested in getting involved.