LGBTQ+ Inclusion and Support with a focus on neuro-diversity and gender-diversity

NHS staff across North East/North Cumbria completed an on-line survey. This asked about knowledge, skills, awareness and confidence when working with LGBQT+ individuals:

- 83% had discussed LGBTQ+ topics with people they worked with

- Only 55% felt confident discussing LGBTQ+ topics

- LGBTQ+ staff were significantly more likely to speak about LGBTQ+ topics than the non-LGBTQ+ allied group (p=0.008)

- 86% of staff said LGBTQ+ awareness is important

- 79% of staff were interested in further LGBTQ+ training

- Staff who self-identified as LGBTQ+ or LGBTQ+ ally (79%) were significantly more interested in receiving LGBTQ+ training compared to the non-LGBTQ+ allied group (<0.0001).

LGBTQ+ individuals completed an on-line survey. This asked about gender identity, neuro-diversity and mental health. Open ended questions asked about experiences and views of LGBTQ+ inclusion and support in health settings, what could be improved and how:

- 75% had accessed mental support health

- Respondents generally rated their mental health as “in the middle”

- GD* group reported significantly poorer mental health than CG* group (p=0.05).

- 30% identified as neurodiverse

- GD group were more likely to identify as neurodiverse compared to CG group (p=0.01)

- 56% stated that having LGBTQ+ conversations with a health practitioner was important; 12% said this was ‘not at all important’.

- LGBTQ+ conversations were significantly more important for GD respondents (p=0.003)


- Statutory LGBTQ+ training for all staff

- Training should include gender diversity

- LGBTQ+ awareness raising in all services

- Increase community support (i.e. NHS groups, charity sector)

- Greater LGBTQ+ visibility (i.e. publicly embed policies, visibility of LGBTQ+ staff)

- Embed ‘signs of inclusion’ (i.e. asking pronouns, data recording)

You can read more  about the research work  by Dr. Laura Coulthard ([email protected]HERE

  • Acute
  • Acute > Medicine
  • Acute > Medicine > Staff Wellbeing
  • Leadership and Management
  • Leadership and Management > Quality and Performance
  • Leadership and Management > Quality and Performance > QI
  • Leadership and Management > Workforce
  • Leadership and Management > Workforce > Valuing your staff
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