As part of the Royal Berkshire Hospital Foundation Trust's on going commitment to Patient & Public Involvement (PPI) the following pilot project will start next month.....
Following discussion with Patient Leaders ,Jean O'Callaghan, the Chief Executive of the Trust, will hold a monthly 'LET'S CHAT' session for patient representatives.
Initially this will be once a month but it is planned to increase this in 2016.
The first session will be the last Friday in October from 08.30 - 09.00 in the Chief Executive's office on the 4th floor, followed by the last Friday in November and so on. (Probably with mince pies in December!)
The aim is for any Patient Partner, Patient Leader or Patient Representative to ask Jean a question, share an idea, suggest an improvement or ask for support for an innovation. In fact anything to improve outcomes for Patients and Staff .
They will be asked to send an Email to the patient experience facilitator giving a brief outline of the reason for a chat to enable the CEO to be prepared with answers or details as required
As far as we know this is the first time a CEO has set aside a specific 'LET'S CHAT' session and we hope it will be a success that will be followed by other Trusts