Labour Ward @ Royal Derby Hospital

Labour Ward @ Royal Derby Hospital featured image

#TheatreChallenge aimed to improve patient experience in obstetric theatres.

#TheatreChallenge week took place 9th-15th October 2017 (but was entended as it was so popular).

During the week staff had the opportunity to lie on the table in theatre to experience how it feels to be a patient in obstetric theatres. The aim of this was to help to promote empathy among staff and generate discussion of ways we can improve this experience.

My pledge relates directly to our #TheatreChallenge because however fantastic the project is the real challenge will be implementing the changes suggested by staff and maintaining staff enthusiasm after the event in order to put changes into practice.

My pledge is to use Twitter, Facebook and ward displays to continue to remind staff of the potential impact of #TheatreChallenge and to become an active participant in ward activities to keep the momentum going.

You can see the initial film we made to promote theatre challenge here:

And #TheatreChallenge: The Movie which is a summary of what we did and what happened here:

We also made 8 mini films of the themes that emerged during #TheatreChallenge to promote further discussion. During the week staff were able to attend theatre in small groups and lie on the bed to simulate the experience of being a patient. Our private Facebook forum allowed participants to share and debate ideas to improve experience. We also posted on twitter and this created a larger discussion throughout the UK and beyond. Several other trusts are now considering their own "#TheatreChallenge". The challenge and film were also presented at Derby's Progressive Birth Conference.

View #TheatreChallenge mini films on YouTube

  • Fab Change Week 2017 Actions
  • Fab Change Week 2017 Actions > Patient Experience
  • Campaigns > ChangeWeek2017
  • Campaigns
  • Acute > Patient Experience
  • Acute
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