Following on from our fabulous awards ceremony in November, we begin the search for your favorite shares.
Taking on board your comments, we have simplified the voting process.We've removed the 5* voting , instead every two months we will ask you to vote from a shortlist of the most read shares.
This is your opportunity to vote for your favorite shares to ensure that they are at our next awards ceremony in November 2016.
All you have to do is click on this link and vote, it only takes a few minutes
So go on and make someone's day!
You have until 17.00 on Friday 29th Jan to make your vote count.
And whilst you're at it, why don't you share some of your fab stuff, it's easy to do
Who knows you could be joining in the fabulous celebration that we're already planning
If you thought last years award ceremony looked wow, well we can promise you even bigger and better!