Inspirational Leadership and Management Initiatives

Fab Feedback Friday's 

Fab Feedback Fridays involve the executive team visiting a different team around the hospitals each fortnight to take a look at what the team have achieved and implemented, to celebrate our staff and what they are doing on a daily basis.

The sessions have returned due to popular demand as feedback within our recent staff survey showed that teams liked having this method of sharing all of the great stuff that they are doing.Teams volunteer to showcase their work through Fab Feedback Fridays. You can read more details about this leadership initiative here and here

PAHT - Culture and leadership

This will help us on our journey to good, and outstanding. Get Inspired

Innovative organisational development team and the 'rising stars’ initiative

The Leadership and Organisational Development team at Lancashire support members of staff who are identified as “rising stars” to shine through talent management systems. 

The project has involved creation and embedding of a talent management programme which fosters ongoing development for staff, identifies individual strengths and areas for development; ultimately retaining talent and enhancing staff satisfaction.

How To Bin Stinking Thinking 

How to Bin Stinking Thinking


North Middlesex University Hospital Trust works with Healthwatch Enfield to bring together patients and the hospital Chief Executive

A London hospital trust (the North Middlesex University Hospital Trust) are working with a local Healthwatch to bring patients and hospital senior staff into one room to discuss the future of the hospital. Within 24 hours, almost 40 local people in Enfield and Haringey have signed up to the events to ensure that their voice is heard.  This is a unique event which brings patients and senior staff together to work in partnership and co-produce future solutions.

How to regain positivity in the trust and boost staff morale

Reading current media negativity through social media platforms is demoralising. One senior sister, Vanessa King, at Wirral University Teaching Hospital set out to bring positivity back to the trust. Being an active participant on Twitter, she tweeted: “Determined to fight current media negativity, I’m going to tweet every day 7/7 why I’m #PROUD to work @WUTHstaff @WUTHNHS… I’m #proud because senior nursing team provide me with fabulous support everyday” Her next step was to nominate 4 colleagues to take the #proudchallenge, including me (wise move) as I’m always looking for the ‘Fab Stuff. I made my tweet and nominated the Trust’s Fabulous Change Agent Network (#FabCAN) who quickly took up the challenge. Within 30 minutes of her first Tweet, Sr King received 10 #proudchallenge tweets. The Director of Nursing and Midwifery, Gaynor Westray, encouraged others to take the challenge by tweeting: “Let’s pull together and show care and compassion for each other as well as our patients and carers, love we a great team and trust #proud”

    • Leadership and Management
    • Leadership and Management > Quality and Performance
    • Leadership and Management > Quality and Performance > visible leadership
    • Leadership and Management > Visible leadership
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