This project began after the trust’s stroke service was awarded a low ‘E’ rating by the national Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP).
A stroke improvement team was created, including a member of each faculty of the multidisciplinary team involved in providing care.
The team met every week to address deficiencies; a live data analysis tool mirroring the SSNAP audit was developed, assessing stroke care in 10 domains.
This enabled the team to judge their progress by providing a live reporting system and it also has a built in data cleaning mode, which helped the data clerk to identify flaws and provide cleaner data.
As a result, the stroke care and performance on SSNAP audit has improved, with the Trust becoming the first in the North West coast region to achieve the top ‘A’ rating from April to June 2015.
A web-based data collection system is now being developed with the University of Chester IT department, and the scheme can be shared nationally.