Improving staff experience and mental health patient safety in ED

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Setting: Emergency Department (ED), Lister Hospital, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Background: ED are seeing an increased number of Mental Health Patients who are remaining in the department for extended periods of time due to lack of availability of appropriate beds. These patientsare being placed into the main wait area, they are either not handed over or there in no way for staff and security team to identify the, We have had increased number of patients absconding with mental health issues. Staff morale is low die to increased number of patients, violence and aggression incidents have increased, as well as the number of absconding patients. Staff are not trained mental health professionals but we understand they still are sick and they require treatment within the hospital. Safety is a huge aspect. Only 10% of staff stated that they felt very confident in dealing with MH patients.

What matters to you? Conversation with staff members: Theme: Own safety, Mental Health patients’ safety and other patients’ safety.

Understanding the problem: There are around 6 mental health patients coming to ED daily and at least 1 patient daily in the main waiting area.

Project aim: To improve staff confidence from 10% to 60% in dealing with mental health patients in the emergency department by November 2023.

Drivers: education and training (time, subject matter experts from the mental health liaison team (MHLT), staffing, staff skill mix), process (escalation protocol, ED and MHLT process, staff support, main wait areas – nurse availability), environment (number of patients in the department), communication (with MHLT, security and reception)

Change ideas tested: New referral/handover sheet trialled, reflective sessions, nurse allocated to main wait areas to look after mental health patient, reinforcing SBAR handover.


  • Acute
  • Acute > Medicine
  • Acute > Medicine > Emergency care
  • Acute > Medicine > Staff Wellbeing
  • Leadership and Management
  • Leadership and Management > Quality and Performance
  • Leadership and Management > Quality and Performance > QI
  • Mental Health
  • Mental Health > Mental Health Services
  • FabAwards
  • #FabAwards23PrizeGiving
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