Improving patient experience with new calling cards

Improving patient experience with new calling cards featured image
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has introduced a new method of communication to improve patient care.

The introduction of calling cards for our matrons and allied health professional leaders aims to support our goal of delivering excellent care with compassion.

These cards will provide the personal details and a photograph of the matron or allied health professional leader so that patients can contact them directly to discuss any worries, concerns or questions and give any feedback on their experience.

This will improve accessibility and make staff more approachable, improving relationships and promoting more open and honest conversation.

Sarah Cullen, Deputy Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: “I am pleased to have launched our calling cards. These cards are just a small part of our commitment to make it easier for patients, families and carers to share their experiences or concerns. This was a wonderful team effort from our fabulous leaders, front line staff, patients and governors, and we are beyond delighted with the results. The feedback that we have received from the launch of these cards has been phenomenal and we are exciting to start using these every day.”

The new calling cards were launched as part of a celebratory day at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals which launched two new strategies: the Patient Experience and Involvement Strategy and the Nursing, Midwifery, Allied Health Professional and Care Giver strategy.

These strategies were created with the aim of improving patient experience and care and also making sure Lancashire Teaching Hospitals is a great place to work for our staff.

Gail Naylor, Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professional Director at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: “I’m absolutely delighted to have launched our new Nursing, Midwifery, AHP and Care Giver strategy, and our Patient Experience and Involvement Strategy. Both strategies are a result of widespread consultations with our patients, patient experience groups and our staff so are a real collaborative effort with everyone in mind. These strategies set out what we will achieve over the next three years to help us to build upon our improvements for our patients and for our staff, as well as acknowledging and celebrating what we have already been able to achieve. I look forward to being able to deliver on our commitments.”
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