The brand new Nursing, Midwifery, Allied Health Professionals (AHP) and Care Giver Strategy and the Patient Experience and Involvement Strategy launched yesterday with a variety of presentations from key influencers in their respective fields.
Presenters included Hilary Garratt, Deputy Chief Nursing Officer at NHS England and Gail Naylor, Nursing, Midwifery and AHP Director at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The Nursing, Midwifery, AHP and Care Giver Strategy has been created using feedback from patients, nurses, volunteers, care staff, midwives, governors and allied health professionals.
It is a celebration of what we have achieved to date and sets out our plans for what we will achieve as a minimum over the next three years to ensure we consistently provide excellent patient care.
It consists of five key commitments:
1. Continuously strive to improve
2. Lead with care and compassion
3. Work as a team to deliver the best experience possible
4. Look for diversity and be included
5. Nurture a workforce able to meet our local population demands
Our Patient Experience and Involvement Strategy will contribute towards our ambition to consistently deliver excellent care for our patients.
This strategy is also a result of our patient’s experiences and takes the view that our staff are “patient advocates” who can contribute to improving their experience. It focuses on the idea of “Always Events”, which are positive things that we can continually do at every stage of a patient’s journey, which contribute to delivering excellent care.
The strategy incorporates four key aims: 1. Deliver a positive experience 2. Improve outcomes and reduce harm 3. Create a good care environment 4. Improve capacity and patient flow
Hilary Garratt, Deputy Chief Nursing Officer for NHS England said: “It’s great to be here for the launch of the two new strategies today. It’s been inspirational to hear about the achievements of your staff and be able to bring professionals together to focus on achieving your aims and celebrate your successes. It’s brilliant to see the energy and commitment that everyone has towards these plans and making them a success for our patients.”
Gail Naylor, Nursing, Midwifery and AHP Director at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: “I’m absolutely delighted to be launching both our new Nursing, Midwifery, AHP and Care Giver strategy, and our Patient Experience and Involvement Strategy today.
Both strategies are a result of widespread consultations with our patients, patient experience groups and our staff so are a real collaborative effort with everyone in mind. These strategies set out what we will achieve over the next three years to help us to build upon our improvements for our patients and for our staff, as well as acknowledging and celebrating what we have already been able to achieve. I look forward to being able to deliver on our commitments.”