Spring makes us feel good, makes us happy and gives us energy. On this page you find Tips & Tools how to bring springtime into the dementia world.
The first signal that spring is coming are the birds singing in the morning. First one but soon more are following until you wake up with a real choir of early singing birds.

So try out if the person with dementia start his day happier when he or she wakes up with singing birds. Made for you a ready to use playlist with birds sounds.
Spring Birds on Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Nz9YqF
Spring birds on Youtube https://bit.ly/2VuGJaW
Little flower bulbs much happiness
You can simply bring a piece of springtime into a room, with a bowl of bulbs. The nice thing about flower bulbs they change
every day. You see them grow and you

can follow the blooming. This can mean a lot for someone who does not come often outside anymore.
A tray with daffodils, hyacinths and blue grapes bringing springtime feelings to someone with dementia. The scent of the hyacinths can activate
memories of spring's from someone’s past. You give a double gift
A Jazyy and a Classical Spring

The eighties and nineties of today, have listened to big bands and jazz music in their youth. Especially "jazz music" I hardly ever hear Jazz in a care home. That's why I created a "Spring Jazz" playlist by which you can try out if the person with dementia likes Jazz music.
Spring-Jazz on Spotify https://spoti.fi/2T94uIX
Spring-Jazz on Youtube https://bit.ly/2tNycUJ
Remember only by doing and trying out you find out what a person likes or not likes. “Start with the patient and work backwards” Roy Lilley tells us this over and over. Just like Terri Porrett always is saying “The little things are the big things” one song can mean the world for someone who is wandering around in the dementia fog.

I also made a "Spring Classical" playlist by which you can try out if the person with dementia is interested in classical music. Remember that even with dementia people can start to like music they never have heard before.
Classical Spring on Spotify https://spoti.fi/2SzytF5
Classical Spring on Youtube https://bit.ly/2SzyXLp

Bunches of Tulips & Daffodils
A cheerful bunch of tulips or daffodils brings immediately spring feelings in a room, and when you bring them in while singing “Tulips from Amsterdam" you will have contact with the person in the room. Don’t know this song? Here a playlist filled with different versions of this song.
Tulips from Amsterdam on Spotify https://spoti.fi/2EmTMV6
Communicate through your clothing
Also with your clothes you can bring springtime into dementia fog. Clothing with spring patterns or scarves, pins, brooch with a spring motive gives you a conversation topic.
I get lots of positive reactions on my Tulip shirt from my students. It makes people smile and happy knowing this I now starting to wear bright coloured shirts to brighten up my students. The little things are the big things, always!
Springtime in Paris

As many English people like to spent their vacation in France I have made a playlist with French spring songs. Just click on the link take a croissant and the French spring will enter the room you'll feel like you're in Paris. Bonjour 😊
Spring in Paris on Spotify https://spoti.fi/2XvJCKz
Spring in Paris on Youtube https://bit.ly/2fnNIj8
Spring activities

With activities you can also bring pieces of spring happiness into the dementia fog. For example with jigsaw puzzle with a spring image, or spring colouring pages and by knitting these happy coloured birds.
I have never learned to knit, was not taught to boys in my school time. But when I see birds knitting with Arne & Carlos I think, would that be difficult to learn?
So be not surprised if an older gentleman suddenly says "I want to knit that bird". And yes this could be possible. I always tell my students “there is still a learning ability in dementia, especially in an atmosphere where people with dementia feel I may forget, I am accepted as I am, in that atmosphere people with dementia can rise above themselves and can surprise us what they still can do and can learn.”
How to knit spring brids, look at the site of Arne & Carlos or watch this video

Spring music from the ‘60
Another playlist for you to try out. Look if these Spring songs from the ’60 resonating by the person with dementia. Spring in the ’60 on Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ey4dp9
Enjoy you springtime and don’t forget to bring springtime feeling into the dementia world.
Your Dutch Fab ambassador
Ignar Rip