Since the announcement of the national Self-Care programme, the £584m Self-Care efficiency aspiration and the publication of the NHS Planning Guidance, with its commitments to patient activation, self-care and the major expansion of personal health/ integrated budgets, the Healthy London Partnership prioritised the publication of the Case for Change.
This was regarded as an essential first step in supporting SPG and CCG leaders to develop their 5 year place-based Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs).
Reassuringly, we have discovered that the evidence base is strong and consistent enough to support the scaling-up, spread and coordination of a number of person and community-centred approaches.
We’ve made a start in demonstrating the potential financial impact of a number interventions.
We present 5 reasons why SPGs should consider investing in personalisation and self-care. These are:
- Investing in personalisation and self-care is the right thing to do;
- We can’t continue as we are;
- Person and community centred approaches work;
- People want Self-Care, would like a more active role and want digital channels;
and - The evidence base needs to evolve.
We also set out six things SPGs need to consider for their STP development which includes an offer of continued support from the Healthy London Partnership.
The Healthy London Partnership is keen to share intelligence and learning from good practice from others in London, across the country and internationally.
We are reaching out to The Academy of Fabulous Stuff as it seems to be the natural ‘home’ for knowledge exchange, fostering of new ideas and enjoying the benefits of open innovation.
London is open to sharing and learning from you all.
The best ideas always seem to be invented by someone else so we are unashamedly open about stealing your best ideas with pride.
Happy to be contacted on [email protected]t or @stingthunderc