Grand opening of new paediatric facility

Grand opening of new paediatric facility featured image
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has opened a brand new facility on our children’s ward to improve experiences for patients, with an exciting launch event.

The high dependency unit (HDU) on our paediatric ward has been redecorated and fitted with purpose built workspaces, storage units and a medicines fridge, which will enable staff easier access to equipment and supplies to better care for patients.

Paul Collier, Senior Estates Manager at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, who has supported this project throughout, attended the ceremony to hand the unit over to the children. The grand opening invited children on the ward to be VIPs for the day as patient, Jack, cut the ribbon to open the new unit.

Jo Connolly, Divisional Nursing Director for Children and Young People and Critical Care said: “Our very own Bob the Builder, Paul Collier, visited the ceremony to hand over the newly updated high dependency unit on our paediatric ward to one of the ward’s VIP’s. We are all extremely grateful to the estates team for their support with this project and appreciate the efforts made to carry out this work with as little disruption as possible.” “The facilities in the new unit will enable our staff to safely store and prepare medicines and infusions without needing to leave the area. Some very sick children and babies are managed on the HDU and the improvements should help improve the experience for the children and their families as well as the staff looking after them.”
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