Grads4Nottm Work Placement with the Occupational Therapy Department at Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham

Grads4Nottm Work Placement with the Occupational Therapy Department at Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham featured image
Myself (Anusha Panchal) and Zakir Hossain are two students at The Nottingham Trent University who were given an opportunity by our employability team to undertake a two week placement with the HCOP/Occupational Therapy team at Queen's Medical Centre (QMC) in Nottingham.

Our challenge involved us creating info-graphics such as posters, a leaflet and logo to educate the relatives of elderly patients about reablement in the hospital.

With myself just finished studying Biomedical Science and Zakir studying International Business we had to combine our skills and transfer them so they can be applied to this challenge and the various tasks set out for us.

We visited numerous wards with elderly patients to see what promotional materials had been implemented to promote reablement and rehabilitation of patients and noticed that more eye catching posters and leaflets were required similar to those promoting #endPJparalysis.

This national campaign has been extremely successful and has been circulating around various forms of social media promoting patients to not remain in hospital gowns during their stay and change into their own more comfortable clothes from home.

This has a significant impact on reablement of patients and can drastically improve patient recovery time when implemented. Through participating in an activity session specifically aimed at cognitively impaired patients with Dementia and other disorders, we were able to ask patient's their personal opinions on their experience in hospital particularly with how they address day-to-day tasks which reablement focuses on and also learned about what kind of patients the campaign targets.

Whilst completing numerous drafts of leaflets and posters throughout the two weeks we came up with a new campaign known as the "5 Gains," these are 5 factors that patients can aim to achieve when undergoing reablement, and the relatives of these patients can encourage these 5 factors when helping patients reable.

The 5 factors we came up with are: Confidence, Mobility, Independence, Control and Well being.

This idea is visually appealing on our posters and promotional materials and is likely to remain in an individual's memory if they see this short phrase around the hospital wards.

Once we completed our tasks we had to create a presentation for the HCOP staff and our university reflecting on our experience working with the NHS and in a professional environment showing what we have produced and evaluating our overall experience with Grads4Nottm.

We both have benefited massively from our work placement and have been able to apply our skills to a professional environment communicating with the multidisciplinary team and other members of staff such as graphic designers.

We hope that our "5 Gains" idea will be implemented in the future and circulate around QMC and other hospitals around the UK promoting the importance of reablement in patients particularly the elderly.

The OT team are looking to post the material we have produced at a later date on this website once proofed by the Communications Team at the hospital.

Twitter: @NUH_HCOP_OT #Grads4Nottm #endPJparalysis #5Gains
  • Fabulous Stuff
  • Care of the elderly services
  • Co-production
  • Frailty Services
  • Acute > Fabulous Stuff
  • Acute
  • Leadership and Management > Fabulous Stuff
  • Leadership and Management
  • Primary Care > Fabulous Stuff
  • Primary Care
  • Community Services > Fabulous Stuff
  • Community Services
  • Mental Health > Fabulous Stuff
  • Mental Health
  • Social Care > Fabulous Stuff
  • Social Care
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Fabulous Stuff
  • Commissioning and Procurement
  • Social Care > Care of the elderly services
  • Community Services > Care of the elderly services
  • Primary Care > Care of the elderly services
  • Social Care > Co-production
  • Mental Health > Co-production
  • Primary Care > Co-production
  • Acute > Family Care > Co-production
  • Acute > Family Care
  • Acute > Surgery > Co-production
  • Acute > Surgery
  • Acute > Medicine > Co-production
  • Acute > Medicine
  • Acute > Clinical Support > Co-production
  • Acute > Clinical Support
  • Acute > Medicine > Rehab and elderly Medicine
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