Gardiner Hill Foundation supports service user journey back into employment

Gardiner Hill Foundation supports service user journey back into employment featured image
Simon Beeton on behalf of charity Gardiner Hill Foundation meets with Richard Sawdon to test out two new bikes being donated by the charity to support and assist service users.

Richard was delighted with the bike he received which will assist him not only in attending and volunteering at Tukes, but also with his educational courses and his new job he has just gained, which requires him to work at weekends and nights when public transport is not available. No pun intended, the bike he received will greatly assist him in his journey back into employment… Richard’s confidence, self-esteem and skills have greatly increased over the last 6 months, during which time he has become integral to the team working at Tukes Hub, in delivering educational courses for both members and NAViGO Staff alike.

In that time Richard has assisted greatly in setting up an internet network, server, SMARTBOARDS and computers.

The provision of the bike by the Gardiner Hill Foundation will allow Richard to continue with his journey into education and employment as well as supporting him in his on-going desire to progress forward and development of his skills.

So it’s a big thank you to Gardiner Hill Foundation but more importantly, a big well done to Richard and all he has achieved whilst at Tukes.

The Gardiner Hill Foundation is a local charity which has been established to enhance and enrich the lives of people with mental health problems and promote good mental health. We work alongside and supplement core funded essential services provided to people with mental health problems. Our principle aim is to support people with mental health issues in ways which empower them.

The Foundation will encourage and support education and training, employment and independent living. All of our trustees and support staff are volunteers which mean all donations will help people in North East Lincolnshire with mental health problems.

NAViGO Health and Social Care Community Interest Company provide NHS mental health and social care services free to the residents of North East Lincolnshire. Our main objective is to deliver the highest quality care and to work to our mission to provide services that we would be happy for our own family to use.

The way NAViGO works is completely unique as an NHS service provider. Our voting membership provides our community membership (service users, carers and people with an interest in mental health) with equal voting rights to staff members and our Community Representatives have an active involvement with the running and development of our services.

For more information about NAViGO and the Gardiner Hill Foundation visit
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