NHS Employers and the NHS Five Year Forward View have called for Trusts to become healthy workplaces.
One recommendation is that staff are encouraged to eat a healthy diet by promoting healthy choices in staff restaurants via price incentives.
Coupled with the statistic that three quarters of adults are failing to eat the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables each day, official figures have revealed, the Catering Team at Salisbury District Hospital have come up with a new “Fruit Loyalty” card scheme to help promote our 5 a Day!
The 5 A Day campaign is based on advice from the World Health Organization, which recommends eating a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables each day to lower the long-term risk of serious health conditions such as heart disease, stroke and some cancers.
Using the new loyalty scheme, staff and visitors buying six pieces of fruit will get their seventh free.
The scheme is being promoted to Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust staff, volunteers and visitors.
Communications included an email broadcast message which also listed the following five reasons why eating fruit and vegetables are good for our health*.
• Fruit and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including folate, vitamin C and potassium.
• They're an excellent source of dietary fibre, which can help to maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation and other digestion problems. A diet high in fibre can also reduce your risk of bowel cancer.
• They can help to reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers.
• Fruit and vegetables contribute to a healthy, balanced diet.
• Fruit and vegetables taste delicious and there's so much variety to choose from.
* as listed on http://www.nhs.uk
Salisbury District Hospital have been recognised as one of ten Exemplar NHS Trusts for our work on Health and Wellbeing for staff.
The idea is that when our staff are well and satisfied, the experience of our patient improves.
To find out more email [email protected]