From a dream to reality

So has been open for business for two weeks and we are overwhelmed by the support and encouragement from you all. My dream of a time when all the good things, ideas, innovations and concepts, that are the backbone of the NHS, could be shared is becoming a reality and that's down to you....

So far over 60 fabulous 'sharers' have shared their fab stuff - thank you for participating, sharing and collaborating, helping to make more great stuff happen.

More than 20,000 pages have been viewed and over 1,300 people are following @fabnhstuff on Twitter. Wow...

This WordCloud has been produced from our first two weeks on Twitter - it seems to have clearly captured the true essence of what FabNHSStuff is all about.

Fab NHS Stuff word cloud

With your continued support we can make FabNHSStuff the first port of call for finding great service ideas, solutions to common challenges and inspiration.

So please continue to browse the fab shares and share your own fab stuff. The NHS is so much stronger when it works together, walks in step and shares the best stuff.

Thank you for turning dreams into action.

Roy Lilley

March 2015
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