The team is made up of a like minded, hard working and passionate MDT members, who strive for the best possible care for vulnerable frail individuals in an environment not suited to them - the ED.
The aim is to prevent admission and reduce length of stay for those who lose out from being in hospital. As shown in the poster the team is hugely effective and brings all of the evidence based goodness of the CGA to point of contact in ED.
Patients are seen quickly by key decision makers streamlining waiting times and assessments but it is the continuity of care the team is most proud of.
By the same clinicians seeing the same patient on day 0 & 1 of an admission, continuity of therapy, nursing and medical plans is kept preventing needless reassessment.
The results speak for themselves.
The frailty flying squad is evidence that you can create a novel, evidence based, super-effective service which benefits the patient, not just money-saving, in times of austerity and hardship.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touch with the team on twitter @scott_buxton1 @genrobson @ChrisDyer15 @PTOTSLTdept