Our first patient recruited for unique trial

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has recruited its first patient into an innovative trial into a rare form of cancer.

PLATO (PersonaLising Anal cancer radioTherapy dOse) is a series of three trials looking at the dose of chemoradiotherapy for people with anal cancer that hasn’t spread elsewhere.

Anal cancer is a rare disease in the UK but cases are rising rapidly. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals is currently participating in the two trials which look at reducing the dose of chemoradiotherapy in lower risk anal cancers.

Chemoradiotherapy can have side effects for a patient which can affect them for years following treatment. These studies aim to see if a lower dose of chemoradiotherapy will still be as effective as the normal dose, and whether side effects can be reduced by having this lower dose.

Deborah Williamson, Consultant Oncologist at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals said: “PLATO is an exciting clinical trial which aims to personalise treatment for patients with anal cancer, which is a rare disease in the UK. We are thrilled that we can make PLATO available to our patients with anal cancer, who often have limited research opportunities. We have randomised our first patient into this trial within a month of opening to recruitment.”

Karen Partington, Chief Executive at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals said, “As the cancer centre for Lancashire and South Cumbria, as well as a leading research centre, it’s really important that we’re involved in such pioneering trials and programmes. This will enable us to bring emerging treatment and approaches to local patients now, as well as break new ground in healthcare that will benefit future generations.”
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