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19 October 2018

PAHT - EoL Care

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19 October 2018

PAHT - School and College Liaison Action Learning Quality Improvement Project

The project aims to inspire and motivate a future talent pool for the hospital and the wider NHS through collaborative working...
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18 October 2018

PAHT - Syncope Clinic

In the ED setting, patients that present with syncope can be risk stratified to determine who needs further investigation,...
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18 October 2018

PAHT - EndPJparalysis

Raising awareness of the harm caused by allowing our patients to decondition, and encouraging staff to prioritise movement and...
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18 October 2018


Review the emergency general surgery pathway from attendance at ED to definitive decision to admit/discharge under a consultant...
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18 October 2018

PAHT - Implementation of electronic prescribing

To improve patient safety and medicines management processes
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18 October 2018

PAHT - AKI improvement poster

The AKI improvement project aims to improve patient outcomedue to AKI at Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) focussing...
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18 October 2018

PAHT - Sepsis

The outcome aim of the project is a 25% reduction in Sepsis mortality across the Trust by March 2019. In order to achieve this...
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18 October 2018

PAHT - Emergency General Surgery

The Quality Improvement (QI) team at PAHT in Harlow worked along side colleagues in General Surgery and the Emergency...
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18 October 2018

PAHT - Priority Short Notice Additions to Outpatient Clinics

Streamlining and improving the process for additions to Outpatient Clinics so that patients given urgent and priority short...
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18 October 2018

PAHT - Choice Words

Informed choice - patient empowerment
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18 October 2018

PAHT - Health Assure

Implementation of the Health Assure suite of systems in the Trust including Audit, CaS, CQC and Policy Assure. The aim of the...
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