We learnt a lot, not least being that the 'one size fits all ' mentality doesn't work when you want to get your public health messages across,. You have to think differently and you have to be imaginative and think smarter.
We visited Widnes Vikings and saw in action the collaborative working with Halton CCG to get health messages across. You can read about the sporting collaborations here and here.
But that wasn't all, we attended a local community vintage fair and within the fair were a number of NHS Health Promotion, Raising Awareness Stands.
Roy learnt about how to drink alcohol safely and avoid the risk of his drink being spiked.
It was here that we learnt about the fabulous collaboration between www.halton.nhs.uk and www.sparcproject.tumblr.com. . Didn't know about the Sparc Project? No neither did we, but do have a look at their website and be inspired .
They have produced truly inclusive information for people with Learning Disabilities to ensure they have access to, and feel empowered to use, health care services. There are a range of comics which all come with a DVD too. These are great resources and with a wonderful strapline Your Health is Your Wealth - and who could disagree with that?